Enroll now

It's never too early to plan for retirement. Click here to learn more about the benefits of the Texa$aver 401(k)/457 Program.

Ready to enroll?
To enroll online or to set up your web account: Let's get started!

(If you need a PIN, call (800) 634-5091 or click here.1)

To enroll using paper forms:

  1. Download the form (separate forms are needed for the 401(k) and the 457 plans).
  2. Fill it out.
  3. Return it to the address or fax number on the form.

401(k) Enrollment

457 Enrollment

To enroll in person:

  • Visit the Texa$aver Program Office
    400 West 15th Street, Suite 317
    Austin, TX 78701
  • Attend a group meeting or set up a meeting with your representative.

Click here to view the meeting calendar.

1 The account owner is responsible for keeping the assigned PIN/Passcode confidential. Please contact Client Services immediately if you suspect any unauthorized use.